
Some Miss Understanding About Weight Loss-----The Calculation Of Calories Intake(1)

The passage is long. To review the passage quickly, just read the highlighted parts. The highlighted parts are METHODS to LOSE WEIGHT.The rest parts are just for explanations and reasons to do so. 

We all know that weight loss is all about reduction in the total calory intakes everyday. With a normal workload daily, women need a daily calory intake of approximately 2000 while men need 500 more which is 2500 calories. Based on the theory, any intakes below the 2000 cal for women and below 2500 cal for men will result in weight loss. However, this is not true.

Our body is a neatly organized machine which could surprisingly adjust to most of the changes our body experiences. What I say is that when you are trying to intake less calories, the body automatically produces some resistence to that reduced intake and makes the weight loss super difficult.So how much reduction in calory intake should be achieved when we try to maximize the effects of weight loss? Well, my answer is that it all depends. If the body is automatically adjusting its need with the changes of intaking calories, we need to respond to the adjustment the body is making and makes the weight loss most efficient. So, if you are going on a diet and hope to lose weight, the reduction in calory intakes should vary in different stages.

As I have said in last, there are three stages in weight loss, fast weight loss, slow and steady weight loss and weight keeping. The reason why there are three stages instead of only one stage of fast weight loss is that the three stages work together to respond to the body and maximize the weight loss effect.

Let me make method more clearly now:
In stage One,  fast weight loss stage: Before I plan to go on a diet, I usually take in 2000 calories or more everyday. So my body has long been used to the intake of 2000 cal. If I went on a diet, how much reduction in calory intake I should achieve? The answer is 600-800 cal less than the normal need, which is 1200 to 1400 cal. You would say that reduction is HUGE! Yes, it is huge but it is also the most efficient reduction you could get. As the body is so used to the 2000 cal intake before, if you are starting with a reduction of only 200 or 300, the body would not even respond to that reduction and results in no weight loss. So in stage one, you need to reduce the calory intake dramatically to tell the body that hey, I decide to loss my weight now. In this way, the body would know it is time to burn more calories.

Actually during the first stage, if you keep your calory intake to 1200-1400, you would lose 1.5kg per day. No kidding and I promise. However, after one week of 1200-1400 cal, though you still keep that small intake, you would notice that the weight loss becomes slow, even zero. 1200-1400 cal/day with no weight loss? Yes, it happens. Just after one week of fast weight loss. This is because our body is now used to the 1200-1400 cal intake everyday. Despite of the small intake, our body is fully used to that and "think" it could function properly with small intake. We could call this period "flat stage". During the flat stage, you could hardly see any weight loss effects.

However, though the body "thinks" it could function properly with small intake, the fact is that the body actually couldn't. So when the flat stage comes, all you need to do is to wait. The flat stage usually lasts for 3-5 days and sometimes 7days. After the flat stage, you would go back to the fast weight loss stage and lose your weight 1.5kg per day again.

So this is the first stage about the fast weight loss. All you need to do is to keep the calory intake to 1200cal to 1400 cal per day. Your weight is gonna reduced at 1.5kg. If the flat stage comes, don't worry. Just do the same intake and wait for 3-5 days for the flat stage to pass. After the flat stage, you will lose your weight again. The fast weight loss stage should last for approx. one month in all and you could get massive results.

Follow more information on the second stage and third stage. I will update those soon. Also, After all the three stages of calory calculation, I would introduce more about what to eat, how to eat, what exercises, and how to exercise to get the most effects. All important and I hope you enjoy it!

PS.I am not a professional writer. So my writing skills are bad. I hope I am saying these clearly. If not, please pardon me for that. As I say, I open this blog purely hoping to share my secret weight loss methods as they are really really effective. So please forgive me for the bad writing skills. If you still don't know what to do, write me a message and I will answer it.

